
App Store

irBoard, irBoard Player, irBoard Lite can be purchased with App Store.
The difference between each edition is as follows.

The difference of each edition


irBoard Lite

Icon 60@2x


Icon 60@2x

irBoard Player

Icon 60@2x

Download on the app store badge us uk 135x40
Download on the app store badge us uk 135x40
Download on the app store badge us uk 135x40
Normal price ( US$ ) (*1)
(at Feb. 1, 2018)



Difference functions
You can browse only the first page if you connect with the real PLCs.(*6)
No limit
No limit
Auto run (*2)
Browse mode (*3)
△ (*4)
Import a CSV file
Edit pages (*5)

*1 The price is on the USA market. To know the price in your country, refer to your country's market.
*2 Run a project after the application was launched.
*3 Turn it to the browse mode, you can't back to the editing mode easily.
*4 Lite edition: For importing a project, you have to purchase an In-App purchase item. And you can not use project data from the paid version.
*5 You can edit pages on the iPad and iPhone 6/7/8 Plus. But on the other iPhone / iPod touch, you cannot edit pages.
*6 The limitation is changed from time limitation to page limitation from version 1.8.

Custom B2B Applications

Please consider purchasing with the Volume Purchase Program if it is used by more than one terminal in an organization such as a company and requires bulk purchase of applications.
irBoard Enterprise, irBoard Player for Device is provided as a custom B2B application through Volume Purchase Program.

The difference of each edition


irBoard Enterprise

Icon 60@2x

irBoard Player for Device

Icon 60@2x

We will only sell through Volume Purchase Program.
Normal price ( US$ ) (*1)
(at Feb. 1, 2018)



It is necessary to purchase for the number of devices to be installed.
Please see Terms of use for the iOS applications for details.
Difference functions
No limit
No limit
Auto run (*2)
Browse mode (*3)
Import a CSV file
Edit pages (*5)

About the way to purchase irBoard Enterprise

We provide irBoard Enterprise as a Custom B2B application through the Apple's Volume Purchase Program.
For purchasing it by Volume Purchase Program, you need to take an Apple ID for VPP.
For more Detail, please visit the Apple's site.

Volume Purchase Program for Business


App Store

irBoard, irBoard Player, irBoard Lite can be purchased with App Store.
The difference between each edition is as follows.

The difference of each edition


irBoard Lite

Icon 60@2x


Icon 60@2x

irBoard Player

Icon 60@2x

Download on the app store badge us uk 135x40
Download on the app store badge us uk 135x40
Download on the app store badge us uk 135x40
Normal price ( US$ ) (*1)
(at Feb. 1, 2018)



Difference functions
You can browse only the first page if you connect with the real PLCs.(*6)
No limit
No limit
Auto run (*2)
Browse mode (*3)
△ (*4)
Import a CSV file
Edit pages (*5)

*1 The price is on the USA market. To know the price in your country, refer to your country's market.
*2 Run a project after the application was launched.
*3 Turn it to the browse mode, you can't back to the editing mode easily.
*4 Lite edition: For importing a project, you have to purchase an In-App purchase item. And you can not use project data from the paid version.
*5 You can edit pages on the iPad and iPhone 6/7/8 Plus. But on the other iPhone / iPod touch, you cannot edit pages.
*6 The limitation is changed from time limitation to page limitation from version 1.8.

Custom B2B Applications

Please consider purchasing with the Volume Purchase Program if it is used by more than one terminal in an organization such as a company and requires bulk purchase of applications.
irBoard Enterprise, irBoard Player for Device is provided as a custom B2B application through Volume Purchase Program.

The difference of each edition


irBoard Enterprise

Icon 60@2x

irBoard Player for Device

Icon 60@2x

We will only sell through Volume Purchase Program.
Normal price ( US$ ) (*1)
(at Feb. 1, 2018)



It is necessary to purchase for the number of devices to be installed.
Please see Terms of use for the iOS applications for details.
Difference functions
No limit
No limit
Auto run (*2)
Browse mode (*3)
Import a CSV file
Edit pages (*5)

About the way to purchase irBoard Enterprise

We provide irBoard Enterprise as a Custom B2B application through the Apple's Volume Purchase Program.
For purchasing it by Volume Purchase Program, you need to take an Apple ID for VPP.
For more Detail, please visit the Apple's site.

Volume Purchase Program for Business