
PLC Connection

  • Can connect to the following manufacturer's PLCs:
    • Mitsubishi Electric : MC Protocol
    • Keyence Corporation : Host Link Communication
    • Omron Corporation : FINS/TCP
    • Yokogawa Electric Corporation : Higher-level Link Service
  • In addition to these, it can also connect to devices that communicate via Modbus/TCP.

Connect to IoT devices

Connection to IoT Devices
  • irBoard can now connect not only to PLCs but also to IoT devices. By using the The ESP32 device can be communicated with by irBoard through the use of the "irBoard Library for ESP32". , you can connect to devices that use the ESP32 microcontroller.
  • LadderDrive is a virtual PLC that operates on devices like the Raspberry Pi. When this PLC is running, you can connect irBoard to it and use it as a touch panel for devices configured with the Raspberry Pi.

Connection to Windows Applications

  • When building a system to integrate Windows applications with tablets, development on the tablet side is typically required. However, by using irBoard, you can avoid the need for tablet-side programming and reduce development costs.
  • The irBoard.NET library is available as open-source, and by integrating this library into .NET applications, you can easily connect to them.
  • Using irBoard.NET as a reference, porting to other languages and environments may also become possible.


irBoard operates on Macs with Apple Silicon as well. Using a Mac can make screen creation more efficient.


Edition After ver2.0 Before ver1.8.1 Japanese price.
Please check the price in your country.
Available on the App Store.


irBoard Lite
This version has limited functions available.
  • Free
  • In-App Purchase:
    • Import function 1,200JPY
    • Communication Restriction Cancellation
      • IoT 9,980JPY
      • Modbus/TCP 19,980JPY
      • for each PLC 33,400JPY

irBoard Player
The editing function is not available. Just execute a project.
Create a project using irBoard or irBoard Enterprise Ver. 2.0.3 or higher, then transfer the project data and execute the project. If you have purchased an unlock item for communication restrictions with irBoard Lite, you can also transfer the project data of the manufacturer you have unlocked.
These products are exclusively available through Apple School Manager or Apple Business Manager.

irBoard Enterprise
This is an update for previous users.
New users should use irBoard.

irBoard Player for Device
The editing function is not available. Just execute a project.
Create a project using irBoard or irBoard Enterprise Ver. 2.0.3 or higher, then transfer the project data and execute the project. If you have purchased an unlock item for communication restrictions with irBoard Lite, you can also transfer the project data of the manufacturer you have unlocked.
It is necessary to purchase for each device.
For each device.

Here are the differences between version 1.8.1 and 2.0.

The irBoard 2.0 has undergone a complete rebuild from scratch, resulting in some differences in its specifications.
ver 2.0 or later ver 1.8.1 or earlier
Toggles between showing and hiding an item. ×
Toggle button for enabling or disabling. ×
Specify slider range by device value. ×
Specify a font ×
Support for multilingualization. ×
The layout for the portrait orientation of the screen. ver 2.1 or later
Webページ ver 2.1 or later
Reading codes with camera ver 2.1 or later
There are restrictions on the designated usage area. × Undecided
Import/export a project as CSV file × No plan to support
Ambient × Undecided
ia-cloud × No plan to support

How to unlock restrictions in the Lite edition?

From version 2.0 or later, you can unlock device restrictions by purchasing unlock items for each PLC manufacturer or using tickets.
When you use a ticket, the restriction is lifted for 4 hours. A total of six tickets are distributed each month, and the number of used tickets resets at the beginning of the month.
ver 2.0 or later ver 1.8.1 or earlier
Restriction for importing a project.
  • Unlock the restriction for four hours by using a ticket.
  • To purchase the in-app item.
  • To purchase the in-app item.
Restriction for a launch page. Only the launch page is accessible.
There are limitations with LadderDrive.
  • Unlock the restriction for four hours by using a ticket.
  • To purchase the in-app item.
Only the first page is accessible.
There are no limitations with LadderDrive.