Slider / Progress

The slider is slid to change the value and write that value to the device.
Progress reflects the loss of the knob that adjusts the numerical value of the slider, which is expressed in terms of levels.


The device sets the device that stores numerical values.

  • Value
    Specifies the first device that stores the target numerical value.
    • Value type
      Specifies the type of number or character represented by the device.
      • Unsigned
        Treat it as a 16-bit unsigned integer.
      • Signed
        Treat it as a 16-bit signed integer.
      • HEX
        Treat it as a 16-bit unsigned integers as hexadecimal numbers.
      • BCD
        Treat it as a 16-bit unsigned integer representing BCD numbers.
      • Unsigned(DWORD)
        Treat it as a 32-bit unsigned integer.
      • Signed(DWORD)
        Treat it as a 32-bit signed integer.
      • HEX(DWORD)
        Treat it as a 32-bit unsigned integers as hexadecimal numbers.
      • BCD(DWORD)
        Treat it as a 32-bit unsigned integer representing BCD numbers.
      • Float
        Treat it as a 32-bit single-precision floating point.
    • Editable
      pecifies whether numeric or text editing is permitted.
      • Disabled
        Numerical and text editing are not available. Only display is available.
      • Editable
        Numerical and text editing are available.
      • Device
        Specify the device to switch between editable and non-editable content.
        • Positive
          Editing is possible when the device is on.
        • Negative
          Editing can be performed when the device is off.
  • Continuous
    If OFF, the value is written to the device when the slider operation is complete.
    When turned ON, the values are continuously written to the device, even while the slider is being operated. If the response is slow, turn it OFF, as the number of communications has increased.
  • Visibility
    Specify whether to show or hide the button. See Common Properties.


Set the number of digits for numbers, characters, etc.

  • Coefficient, offset
    Coefficients and offsets can be used to scale conversion from device values to values to be displayed, which is equivalent to the slope and intercept of a linear function.
    The coefficient is multiplied by the device value; then the offset is added, and the number is displayed. The number entered at runtime is written to the device with the offset subtracted, and the result is multiplied by the reciprocal of the coefficient.
  • Number of decimal places
    Specify the number of decimal places. If the coefficient is not set, a coefficient that matches the number of digits is automatically applied.


For numerical values, the range of input values can be restricted at runtime; numerical values read from the PLC are unaffected and are displayed as they are.

  • Minimum
    If a direct value is selected, enter the minimum value.
    When a device is selected, the specified device's value is treated as the minimum value.
    If a number smaller than the minimum value specified at runtime is entered, it is adjusted to the minimum value.
  • Maximum
    If a direct value is selected, enter the maximum value.
    When a device is selected, the specified device's value is treated as the maximum value.
    If a number smaller than the maximum value specified at runtime is entered, it is adjusted to the maximum value.

By direct value

By device


Sets the direction in which sliders and progress figures increase or decrease.

  • Horizontal
    Increases or decreases horizontally.
  • Vertical
    Increases or decreases vertically.


Specify knobs, values, and slider colors.


Press the 123 icon on the top toolbar to change the value used for the preview.
  • Number
    Sets the value to be used for the number in the preview. The value is treated as a device value and is displayed with digit settings, etc., applied to this value.
  • Text
    Sets the value used for the character in the preview.